Monday, December 31, 2012

What Can You Get For $5?

What can you get for $5 these days?  Not too much!  (Until Paparazzi!!!)

  • $5 won't get you a burger, fries and drink ... But it might get you fries and a soda.
  • It might get you an ice-cream Sundae (a moment on the lips, forever on the hips).
  • $5 won't get you a nice box of chocolates ... But it might get you a greeting card.
  • It might get you a really good latte or cafe mocha.
  • $5 won't get you a new eyeshadow kit ... But it might get you an eyeliner pencil.
  • It might get you a lip balm.
  • $5 won't get you a new book ... But it might get you the daily newspaper.
  • It might get you a grocery-store-aisle word search.
  • $5 won't get you a bouquet of flowers ... But it might get you a single stem.  (Vase not included)
  • It might get you an empty vase and you could pick the flowers yourself.
  • $5 won't get you a new CD ... But it might get a you a couple of new ringtones on download.
  • It might get you your request played if you bribe your favorite disc jockey.

  • $5 definitely won't get you a new outfit ...

BUT IT WILL get you gorgeous jewelry to ACCESSORIZE that new outfit ...

IF you buy it from PAPARAZZI!

Just look at all the COOL JEWELRY AND ACCESSORIES you can get from PAPARAZZI!

Take your pick of EVERYTHING, because it's ALL $5 each.  Or go a little crazy and buy lots of pieces ... Because at JUST $5, you really CAN'T GO WRONG!

Call to set up your own personal shopping appointment at Photography by Tina.  Or call to book a party for you and your friends!  715.212.0767

Tina & Katarina 

P.P.S.  Don't forget to LIKE WeLoveBling.Paparazzi on Facebook!!  

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

 It's All About Being A Girl

What are some of the best things about being a girl?  Having girlfriends to laugh with and shop with.  Getting to wear sparkly stuff.  Makeup and hair styling and clothes and jewelry. Lunches out with the girls.  Mother-daughter days.  Painting fingernails.  Manicures and pedicures.  Dancing for no reason just because it's one of your favorite songs.  Chick flicks.  Crying at the movies.  Having babies.  Being a Mom.  Or a Grandma.  Daydreaming about the perfect _______ (guy, date, wedding, dress for the prom, fill in the blank here depending on the day).  Private jokes.  Giggling.  Tea parties.  Barbie dolls.  Shoes ... lots of shoes!  Leopard and zebra print.  Romance novels.  Fashion magazines.  Pink.  Lots of pink!  Bows.  Skirts that aren't kilts.  50% off sales.  Flavored coffee.  Lace.  High heels.  "Girl stuff." Pink camouflage.  Getting flowers.  Even if you get them for yourself.  Chocolate.  Silky jammies.  Little black dresses.  Singing along with the radio.  Glitter.

What Do YOU Think?

What else?  List your cutest, most creative, "best" things about being a girl in the comments section below!!

Tina & Katarina

P.S.  Don't forget to LIKE us on Facebook! 

Friday, December 28, 2012

I'm Hooked On Paparazzi!

I confess.  I was one of those people who said they would never ... and I mean NEVER ... do home party sales.  I've seen other people do it, and I always felt kind of pressured by them, even when they weren't saying anything, to buy a lot of stuff I just couldn't afford.  The products were cool ... yummy mixes for breads and dips and stuff like that ... cool kitchen gadgets I really do use every day ... gorgeous baskets I've collected over the years ... and pretty jewelry that made me feel great when I wear it ... but the thing was, the PRICES were putting a real stretch on my budget.  Then if I had a party to get free stuff, I felt like I was pressuring my friends and family, plus the companies had these incentives for hostesses that were kind of a double-edged sword.  I could get something special at half price as a hostess incentive, but the price (even at half price) was still more than I could really afford to spend.

Then I discovered Paparazzi.  And no one had to "sell" me on WANTING to sell it.  Isn't that weird?  When I saw the merchandise, I immediately thought of how those adorable headbands and flowers in all those gorgeous designs and colors would look on the babies and little girls and big girls I photograph in my portrait studio, and I was hooked!  Then I saw the jewelry!  And the PRICE!  Wow!  Every single thing was only $5 each???

Still, being a slightly suspicious soul, I wondered, "What's the catch?"  What is the quality of the stuff like?  Does it just look good in pictures but not look good in person?  So I ordered about 20 pieces from a consultant in Iowa to find out for myself ... because I hadn't seen it anywhere here in our area.  When I got the pieces, I was blown away.  SO IMPRESSED!

That's when I realized, I could SO sell this stuff!  My clients would LOVE getting new accessories for their photo shoots to go with new outfits ... for just $5!  And mommies would LOVE to get their daughters hair accessories to create drop-dead gorgeous portraits of their little ones ... for just $5!  And teenagers would LOVE all the different styles to go with everything they own ... for just $5!

I looked into the investment plan and how the company worked ... really researched it to see if it was something workable ... and everything I learned convinced me I was on the right track.  I talked to my daughter to see if this was something she'd want to do with me, and she looked at the sample pieces I had and was totally "IN."  I took the plunge and signed up as a consultant under the woman from Iowa that same day.  And oh. My. Gosh.  This company makes it so easy to get started and do this, and to become profitable immediately.  I'm just really glad I was the first one in our area to discover this!

Honestly, that was another reason I decided to take the plunge.  I knew getting in on something when it is new and hot is critical to success, and I didn't want to miss this opportunity.  I had never heard of Paparazzi before, I didn't know ANYONE in the area who was selling it, and I knew the potential for OTHER PEOPLE to join my team and begin selling it in their area ... with the same success I am already seeing and the same excitement and enthusiasm I've discovered ... was HUGE!  It's so easy to get started, the jewelry and hair accessories SELL THEMSELVES as soon as people see them, and it's SO MUCH FUN!

I'm excited to share this journey with anyone else who is interested in seeing the jewelry, learning how they can sign up and start selling ... from their home, home parties, at vendor expos, in their salon, in their retail space, or wherever ... and dare I say it, in their portrait studio! ... and start earning some extra cash while also always having the latest styles and accessories for themselves.

I know they will love it, and I'll share everything I've learned along the way (and continue to learn) WITH them so they can do the very same thing.

I'm also just so psyched about watching women and girls react to the displays and get themselves new pretty things that make them feel confident and good about themselves ... polished and professional ... trendy and "in" ... cute and adorable ... beautiful and attractive ... put together ... whatever words describe the piece that catches their eye ... and to BE ABLE TO BUY IT and NOT FEEL A BIT GUILTY!!!  Cause IT'S ONLY $5!!!!!  Did I mention that is the part I still can't get over???!  And that's also why I KNOW Paparazzi is THE NEXT BIG THING!!!


P.S.  Keep your eyes peeled on this blog because I'll be SHARING a) New styles and trends that are JUST RELEASED so you can be IN as soon as the new pieces are available; b) All the FUN I'm having doing this and how YOU can have FUN with Paparazzi too; c) CONTESTS and FUN ways YOU can get some of your own PAPARAZZI and MORE!!!

P.P.S.  Don't miss a thing.  And even shop online!  LIKE our Facebook page here:

Thursday, December 27, 2012

WHAT is "We Love Bling"? WHAT is PAPARAZZI?

The 4-1-1

Most of you have never heard of "We Love Bling" OR Paparazzi.  That's okay.  It's because we're brand new!  So we'll give you the quick 4-1-1 so we can move on to more FUN stuff.  Because in a nutshell, that is what THIS is all about!

FASHION       *      FUN     *     FIVE BUCKS

We Love Bling

OK, first "We Love Bling."  The quick answer is this:  It's the business name for a mother and daughter team (Tina L. Scott and Katarina Miller) who decided to join together to sell Paparazzi in Merrill, Wisconsin.  All independent consultants are encouraged to use their own name or unique business name to identify themselves.  It makes things easier!  So ours is "We Love Bling!"  We've set up our business page on Facebook at so go check it out after you're done reading!


Now on to the main attraction ... Paparazzi!

Paparazzi is a new company on the horizon--just started in 2011--that began when two sisters (Misty and Chani) started selling jewelry and hair accessories out of their home.  To cut to the chase, it became so successful so fast that they decided to launch Paparazzi as a home party business so other women could join in their success and build successful businesses of their own, too!  And the company has been growing by leaps and bounds ever since!  The good news for us is that here in Wisconsin, Paparazzi is still relatively unknown, so we're having tons of fun introducing this concept and this company to everyone we talk to--and EVERYONE IS LOVING IT!  (We just started in October 2012 and we're already having so much fun and it's catching on like wildfire!)

We'll go into more detail about how you can get involved, too, in a later post if you're interested.  But for now, let's introduce you to WHY Paparazzi is quickly becoming a household name.  Let's show you some of the jewelry and hair accessories AND tell you why this is different from anything you've ever seen!

The Paparazzi Difference!

  • Every single thing is only $5 ... yes, almost unbelievable, but it's true!  (OK, in the interest of full disclosure, there are a couple of things that are less than $5 like the stretchy headbands.) 
  • You purchase all Paparazzi jewelry and hair accessories right here and now, on the spot.  No orders to place.  No forms to fill out.  No waiting.  No shipping and handling charges.  Just $5 each piece plus tax (and some of the "pieces" are actually sets, like necklace and earring sets or sets of bangle bracelets, all with that same $5 price tag).  You take your purchase with you when you leave (just ike a store!) and you can wear it out the door if you want to.
  • Paparazzi jewelry and accessories are sold in homes around the country, at small businesses like salons that want to carry the line, via basket parties where women take a basket of goodies to work to sell, and at vendor expos and other creative places where women love to shop!
  • Every piece is exclusive to Paparazzi, trendy and fashionable, and totally affordable, so you can accessorize every new outfit you buy without breaking the bank!
What else would you like to know?  Post your questions here and we'll get them answered in future posts.  But for now, seeing is believing!  Just look at all of these incredible Paparazzi goodies for just $5 each.  If you see something you like, contact us to get it before someone else does!!!

You can call us at:  715.212.0767   -or-  find us on facebook at

Tina & Katarina

P.S.  We'd LOVE it if you'd LIKE our facebook page!!!