Sunday, December 30, 2012

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

 It's All About Being A Girl

What are some of the best things about being a girl?  Having girlfriends to laugh with and shop with.  Getting to wear sparkly stuff.  Makeup and hair styling and clothes and jewelry. Lunches out with the girls.  Mother-daughter days.  Painting fingernails.  Manicures and pedicures.  Dancing for no reason just because it's one of your favorite songs.  Chick flicks.  Crying at the movies.  Having babies.  Being a Mom.  Or a Grandma.  Daydreaming about the perfect _______ (guy, date, wedding, dress for the prom, fill in the blank here depending on the day).  Private jokes.  Giggling.  Tea parties.  Barbie dolls.  Shoes ... lots of shoes!  Leopard and zebra print.  Romance novels.  Fashion magazines.  Pink.  Lots of pink!  Bows.  Skirts that aren't kilts.  50% off sales.  Flavored coffee.  Lace.  High heels.  "Girl stuff." Pink camouflage.  Getting flowers.  Even if you get them for yourself.  Chocolate.  Silky jammies.  Little black dresses.  Singing along with the radio.  Glitter.

What Do YOU Think?

What else?  List your cutest, most creative, "best" things about being a girl in the comments section below!!

Tina & Katarina

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